Effective solutions for fatigue, depression, stress, anxiety
Fatigue, depression, stress and anxiety are typical symptoms of chronic reversed polarity. If you suffer from any of these use the Contact Us form to request a free test.
Besides that, each of these responds well to holistic techniques:
Chronic (long lasting) fatigue can be the result of many factors.
Possible causes could include a virus, weak immune system, hormonal imbalance, psychiatric problems, toxicity, obesity, genes, trauma and stress.
A combination of super-food therapy, breath-work, and mind/body techniques such as hypnotherapy and energy work has proven highly effective in these cases.
Depression is typically a combination of dwelling on the past and being out of alignment with your core being – i.e. who you really are.
By discovering your life purpose and living your life on purpose, releasing negative emotions and limiting beliefs, installing confidence and motivation, as well as new strategies for being, doing and having what you want, a positive, joyful state can be achieved.
Stress is a leading cause of illness and disease.
Around 13.5 million workdays a year are lost to it in Britain alone. Our proprietary ARROW strategy for combating stress has proven highly effective.
By identifying and releasing your stress triggers, implementing new strategies for relief, raising your vibration, providing support for the nervous system and using our instant stress relief methods you can banish stress forever.
Anxiety is typically a fear of the future.
We have highly effective fast-acting methods for dealing with it, including releasing negative emotions and limiting beliefs, installing an empowered, positive mindset and providing nervous system support.