Author Archives: keithcorbett

How’s the diet going?

Have you tried all kinds of diets only to eventually find yourself back to square one, or even worse off than when you started? The diet industry counts on its customers coming back time and again.So why do we find it so hard to stick to them? It is because behaviour comes from the unconscious mind and to consciously change it we have to concentrate hard all the time, which is pretty exhausting and almost impossible.

Do you find that you are doing emotional eating, or have things that trigger cravings, such as stress, worry or deadline pressure? Or maybe you’re prone to binge eating, feeling helpless to prevent it and end up berating yourself afterwards, causing additional stress and distress. This is because  emotions also emanate from the unconscious mind and it is only from here that they can be released.

Also, many diets, especially low fat ones, do not provide all the essential nutrients a body needs, particularly in the form of healthy fats, such as omega 3s, and sometimes not enough nutrition to get you through doing all the things you need to do in a day. The result is fatigue, coughs, colds and the flu, lower mental capacity and cravings.

So what’s the answer? Clearly, we need to work at the level of the unconscious mind to effect permanent behavioural change, end cravings and release negative emotions. We also need to ensure that you get all the essential nutrients your body needs.
That’s where a skilled holistic practitioner – one that works at all levels of the being –  can help with:

  • Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) to eliminate cravings and rewire your neurology for success
  • Timeline therapy to release limiting beliefs and negative emotions
  • Hypnotherapy to install new behaviours and confidence
  • Nutrition to ensure you lose weight steadily and safely without “dieting”
  • Food-and-mood analysis to find what enhances or depletes your vitality
  • Dream interpretation to identify issues and keys to success
  • Life purpose analysis to get you moving towards inspiring goals that energise and transform your life (with the added bonus of making weight loss a synch)

Would it be useful for you to learn how you could have all of that in an easy-to-follow six-week programme? If you’d like to know what is blocking you from living the life you would prefer to have and how to make massive change, contact me for a free consultation today.

If you’d prefer to stay with your chosen plan, but want to avoid the diminished mental function, low energy and weakened immune response, add these discounted items to your daily intake*:

  • Spirulina: a superfood containing most of a body’s essential needs.
  • Probiotics: good health starts in the gut and most folk are severely depleted in friendly fauna down there.
  • Flax seed oil: one of nature’s richest sources of essential fatty acids

Don’t struggle against inbuilt programming – change it and achieve your goals with grace and ease.

Stay well this winter

As the weather gets colder and the days shorter, it seems that many people start to automatically catch colds and flu. There is absolutely no need for this. I can’t say I never get sick, but it is very, very rare. What is the secret?

Well, the reduced amount of sunlight can lead to vitamin D deficiency, fresh foods may be harder to or more expensive to come by, leading to depletion in other essential vitamins and minerals, and there are a lot more bugs being spread around by people. Add to this high levels of stress from the crazy autumn back-to-business and back-to-school period followed by the holidays/Christmas season, and it’s no wonder immune systems become compromised.

Taking a general vitamin supplement may not help, especially if it is a low quality brand or is in a tablet form packed with fillers, stabilizers and even yeast, making it not very bioavailable – ie. is not easily absorbed so most of the it just passes through.

In my view there are five easy steps to ensure a strong immune system and avoid colds:

  • Take a high quality general vitamin and mineral suppement that id designed to support your circulatory and immune systems daily
  • Take a quality superfood daily: spirulina, bee pollen or a green drink – yeah, I know they taste like grass, that’s why I go for spirulina capsules
  • Get enough sleep – you know what you need to feel rested and refreshed, so go to bed earlier if you have to
  • Avoid or manage stress – one of the best ways to relieve it is to do my “instant stress relief” exercise daily – sign up in the box on this page
  • Adopt a positive mindset – this is vital, as negative thought patterns and emotions such as anger, fear, sadness, hurt and guilt will lower your vibration/energy levels, weakening your immunity.

We specialise in releasing entrapped emotions and helping you change your mindset and behaviours to enjoy a fulfilling life of grace and ease – and just for you, who took the time to read this far, I will offer a free consultation, just email me for an appointment:

Follow these steps for a happy, well winter. Wherever you are in the world client sessions can be done easily via Skype.

Sweet Dreams

Have you ever woken from a dream and thought “wow, that was weird?” Have you noticed how bizarre your dreams are? Not only can fantastic things happen but there can be strange juxtapositions of people, places and times.

Even if you don’t think you dream or think you can’t remember them, still read on because I’ll tell you how you can and why you should. Plus, I’ll be making a super-cool free offer that you won’t want to miss out on.


Have you ever thought “what does it mean?” If so, you have recognised at a deep level that there is meaning in your dreams, but perhaps not in the way you think. And if you are looking for meaning in your dreams, you won’t find it in a book or webpage written by someone else – that will only reveal what certain characteristics mean to them.

The fact is, when you sleep it gives the unconscious mind (UM) – that part of you that keeps you safe, runs your body, emotions and behaviours – the opportunity to communicate what you need to know without it being interrupted, ignored or dismissed by the conscious mind and your regular mind chatter.
However, it doesn’t speak English. Or Sanskrit, Hebrew, Japanese or any other human language for that matter. It speaks with imaginary experiences in the form of pictures, sounds, feeling and most of all symbols.

The thing is, though, what a symbol means to one person could mean something entirely different to you or I – everyone has a unique interpretation. This is the secret to cracking the code of the language of your higher self.

We have all been brought up differently, have different beliefs, likes, dislikes and brain chemistry at any given time. The same symbol can even have a different meaning for you at different times, depending on what is going on in your life.


It is the context in which the symbolism is interpreted that is the key to its true meaning for you. If you can understand what the UM is saying, you can act on it and improve your life in oh so many ways. If it is important to your evolution and you ignore it you will get a stronger message – perhaps starting with more vivid or recurring dreams, then maybe unwarranted emotions or attracting undesirable situations to you.

Eventually you could end up with something quite uncomfortable in the form of ‘dis-ease’. I have found that finding ways to understand the messages from the UM, such as with dream interpretation can help people change their thinking, take action and even fulfil their life purpose.

So with this in mind we’re now offering a free dream interpretation to anyone who wants it for so long as we can accommodate the number of requests – so if you fancy it get in quick in case we have to cancel the offer due to demand. This can be done remotely to wherever you are in the world via Skype.

As everyone is different and has different dreams, it is not possible to provide generic answers – we need 10-20 minutes on the phone or Skype or in person to do a professional interpretation for you. How cool would it be to find out what your UM is telling you and get the answer to something that is troubling you or could make a massive positive difference in your life?

One client recently described her dream interpretation session as a “life changing conversation.” If you think you don’t dream or don’t recall dreams, use the simple method below.

How to remember your dreams

Would it be useful to you to remember your dreams, understand what they mean and know what you need to do to resolve a major issue or concern in your life?

First, when you get into bed ask your UM to let you remember your dream when you wake. The UM takes instruction very well and will accommodate you in this request.

If you use an alarm set it for 30 minutes earlier than usual. If you wake naturally just ask your UM to wake you 30 minutes earlier than usual. Don’t cringe – it’s just one early start and you can always go back to sleep.

Keep paper or notebook and pen or pencil next to the bed. On waking jot down the elements of the dream, not the story. For example, if you were to dream the Cinderella story you might write down pumpkin, glass slippers, Prince, midnight, fairy Godmother, step sisters, mice, castle, etc.

Just list whatever elements you remember or that are significant for you. Then contact me to set up an appointment: email or call +44 (0) 1782 750418. Sweet dreams folks!

Websites I have found useful – Online version of the bi-monthly magazine The Healing Path, which is distributed mainly in Northern Colorado.  Always a good selection of material covering all kinds of complementary healing modalities.  Check out the  March/April 2004 issue, page 36. – Monthly e-zine with good, topical subject matter for spiritual living.  Regular columns from famous metaphysical gurus Doreen Virtue, Louise Hay and Alan Cohen. – A former Mr Universe covers the basics of spiritual living in a free online seminar that has a short lesson for each day of the month.  Best if started on the first of the month, gives great tips on living without stress or fear and attracting abundance. – Award-winning site that complements the books.  Includes transcriptions of Kryon channels at the United Nations (yup!), Indigo Children information, details of Kryon events and a really good online magazine.  Award-winning graphics and animation can be appreciated if you have a fast Internet connection, a slow-joe version is available if you don’t. – Includes new age and alternative medicine sites, among others.  Powerful search engine.  Very good for online forums.  Got a metaphysical question?  One of the forum visitors will certainly give you the answer. – The leading website for “lightworkers”, includes online version of the leading magazine “Planet Lightworker”, available by subscription.  Monthly free channel from “The Group” provides great information on what is happening energetically to the Earth and to the human species at this time. – My personal favorite, includes channelling from the spirit Tobias via Geoffrey Hoppe, who lives in Colorado.  Great metaphysical tools like the “short wall” and “oven of grace” appear in a series of lessons in the Crimson Circle library.  Check out the events section to see details of study groups in your locality and live channelling in the Denver area.  The best single collection of educational materials for metaphysical teachers and the spiritually advanced that I have seen.
   – Website of the International Center for Reiki Training, run by Reiki leading light, William Rand.  Includes pretty much everything you need to know about Reiki, and then some.  Very good history of Reiki section and an excellent archive of articles covering the use of Reiki in a multitude of every-day situations and using it to treat many different ailments.  Sign up for the newsletter or subscribe to the quarterly magazine Reiki News, which is always packed with good information for healers, whether or not you choose to learn Reiki. – Debate and advice on how we might live in the future in the event of alien contact becoming public knowledge.  Explores ancient predictions about the Earth changes, including the uncannily accurate Mayan calendar, which is reputed to end in 2012.

Here are a selection of books I have found useful and interesting

Heal Your Body – Louise Hay.  The famous “blue book” of psychological causes and metaphysical cures for ailments from the “affirmation queen”, who healed her own “terminal” cancer.  These contents are also encapsulated within the more expansive You Can Heal Your Life.

The Four Agreements – Don Miguel Ruiz.  An easy to read book of Toltec wisdom that will transform you.  A simple formula to spiritual growth and ascension.  For practices and a deeper dive, try The Four Agreements Companion Book.

Kryon Book One, The End Times – Lee Carroll.  The first of the famous Kryon channeling texts, which now number ten or more volumes.  A good introduction to many “new-age” concepts, including the “metaphysical Christ”, spirit guides, purpose/contract, and the new Earth energies.  Kryon, the magnetic master, tells how he is shifting the earth’s magnetic grid to enable us to access more of the subtle energies from the other side of the veil.  To get a good overview of the Kryon teachings read books one, two, seven and nine, and then just stay with whatever the latest one is.  Or read the whole lot if you feel so inclined.

The Journey Home – Lee Carroll
.  Fictional story, part of the Kryon series, provides a look at what we have to go through to find our way “home”, a metaphor for the ascension process.

The Celestine Prophesy – James Redfield
.  An adventure novel that intertwines action and suspense with an introduction to some key metaphysical notions.

The Seven Spiritual Secrets of Success – Deepak Chopra.  The title says it all really.  Follow this guide and you won’t go far wrong.

Way of the Peaceful Warrior – James Millman.  The story of how one man developed spiritual growth through the teachings of an enigmatic master called Socrates.  If you like this, try the follow-up book Sacred journey of the Peaceful Warrior where he trains with a Kahuna on Hawaii.

One – Richard Bach.  Excellent attempt at modelling the connectedness of everything and the simultaneous existence of all time at once.  Very entertaining writing from the author of Jonathon Livingston Seagull, which I haven’t read.

The Reluctant Messiah – Richard Bach.  Another entertaining tale that reveals some deep metaphysical concepts about our relationships and roles, and the potential of our minds.

The Book of Chakra Healing – Liz Simpson
.  Great overview of the nature of the chakras, the effects of imbalance and how to treat them.  Includes which colors, foods, crystals etc are associated with the main chakras, as well as affirmations and exercises designed to maintain balance.  Very nicely designed and illustrated.

The Book of Crystal Healing – Liz Simpson
.  Good companion to the Book of Chakra Healing, describes the nature of many stones, their properties and how to use them for healing.  Again, nice pictures.

American Indian Secrets of Crystal Healing – Luc Bourgault
.  A Canadian Indian trained in the ancient Native American uses of crystals gives very down to earth, practical advise and exposes several new-age “myths” concerning crystals.  My favorite crystal book.

Working With Your Guides & Angels – Ruth White
.  From finding a parking space to getting a new job, how to enlist the powerful aid of your unseen friends.  Angel hierarchy and responsibilities are explained.

New Body, New Cells, New Life – Virginia Essene
.  Although fairly dated now, this collection of channelled information provides a fantastic foundation for understanding what we and the Earth have been going through this last 15-20 years, and what joys we are yet behold.  A great introduction to the main basic metaphysical concepts.

Bioenergetics – Alexander Lowen
.  More of a textbook on the mind-body-spirit relationship.  You are your body!

Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East – Spalding
.  There are six volumes, so I recommend trying Volume One and if you like it then trying the others.  Fascinating account of a group’s interaction with spiritual gurus in the Himalayas at the turn of the 20th century.  Eyewitness accounts of teleportation, walking through fire, being in more than one place at a time.  Physical encounters with Jesus and Buddha.  And so much more.  Volume four is a manual on how to do it for yourself.

The Isaiah Effect – Greg Braden
.  Summary of the secret to successful prayer as revealed by the Book of Isaiah, removed form the Old Testament by the Nicene Council in the third century and rediscovered with the Dead Sea Scrolls.

The Power of Now – Eckhart Tolle.  The present moment is all you really have.  A very profound recipe for personal transformation.

A New Earth – Eckhart Tolle.  About the Earth changes, our role in them and practical advice on how to help co-create the new Earth.

The Indigo Children – Lee Carroll & Jan Tober. – The first of the “indigo” books.  Essential reading if you have young children or teenagers.  Understand why they don’t respond well to authority, won’t follow rules, and often don’t do well in school despite being very intelligent.

Spiritual Psychology, The 12 Primary Life Lessons – Steve Rother
.  This will explain why you seem wired to respond in a certain way to some situations.  Also covers how relationships are a setup to initiate your opportunities for learning and growth.  Gives a good understanding of our purpose on Earth. Much easier to read than the title suggests.

Power vs Force – David R Hawkins.  Simply the best metaphysical text I have ever read.  I had to read it straight through twice when I first got it.  Not an easy read due to academic language, but if you can get past that it can dramatically change your life for the better, as it did mine.  Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness is a revelation – use his kinesiology techniques to find out where you score on it.

The Complete Reiki Handbook – Walter Lubeck
.  A very practical guide to using Reiki or any hands-on energy healing art, includes hand positions for treating specific illnesses, energy healing for animals and plants, Reiki and crystals, meditation.

Essential Reiki – Diane Stein
.  A thorough overview of what Reiki is all about, including history and theory.  Famous for revealing the “secret” Reiki symbols.  Good book if you are thinking of doing Reiki classes.

The Spirit of Reiki – Three Reiki luminaries – Lubeck, Rand and Peters
. – team up to bring a deeper level of understanding and practice.  A good one for when you have already worked with energy healing or with Reiki a while.

Reiki Plus Professional Practitioner’s Manual, Second Degree – David Jarrell.  Buy this (if you can still get it) not so much for how to apply the late Mr Jarrell’s own flavour of Reiki, but more for the excellent section on how to treat various ailments with energy healing, homeopathy, nutrition, and medical referrals, plus the mental causes and solutions to the problem.  I find this book to be an invaluable aid.

Discover your Healing Hands

Why do we instinctively put our hand to a hurt?  Why does a parent’s kiss make a child’s hurt feel better? These are cellular-level memories that we tap into in times of need. The hands and breath are part of a built-in healing system that everyone has. Most of us have just “forgotten” how to do it. Try this simple exercise to activate the healing centers in the palms of your hands:
Find a quiet spot where you won’t be interrupted for at least 30 minutes, dim the lights, unplug the phone, play soft music, light a candle – make the space relaxing.
Sit relaxed, but with your back straight, hands resting in your lap or on your thighs/knees and take three deep, slow breaths. Keep breathing slowly and deeply. Imagine a large cone coming out of the crown of your head, point down. Now imagine a pure white light beaming down from the far reaches of the cosmos. It is a powerful, radiant light of pure love coming into the cone right down into your head and body.
As you breathe in, imagine that your breath is drawing the light into your heart, filling it with light and joy. As you breathe out imagine that your breath pushes the light through your shoulders, down your arms and out through the center of your palms. Do this for a while until you feel that you have a good flow going. Notice any sensations in the hands, perhaps heat or tingling.
Now put your hands together in prayer-position. Continue to draw the light into and fill up your heart with the in-breath, pushing out through the palm centers with the out-breath. Do you feel anything in the hands now? If they are getting warm you are ready to begin. If you don’t have any sensation, just carry on anyway and the feeling will come with practice.
Continue breathing and channeling the energy in this way and place your hands lightly over your eyes. With the out-breath beam the light out of the palms into the eyes and surrounding area of the face that the hands cover for a couple of minutes.
Repeat for the ears, the top of the head (each side left and right – NOT directly on the crown), back of head, neck/throat, upper chest, bottom of rib cage (left and right side over the liver and spleen), stomach, abdomen, feet and anywhere else you feel needs healing energy.
If you have an ailment or illness pertaining to a specific body part, now place your hands on it and hold them there for as long as you feel necessary (five minutes should be enough, but stay for 15 or even 20 if you feel guided to do so).
When you are finished, come back to the present in your own time, blow on your palms then sweep a hand across your crown to stop the flow in and out. Then slowly drink a big glass of water. This is a very important step. Energy work is thirsty work and you need to replace all the electrolytes just expended.
Congratulations!  You have just completed your first energy healing session. Did you notice anything? Sensations in the hands? In the body underneath the hands? In the space around you? Any heat? Any cold spots? Any tingles?
If you did feel any of those on your first attempt, you definitely have the talent to be a powerful healer or energy worker. If not, don’t worry, just keep trying.  The energy must flow when called, trust that it is there and your awareness of it will increase as your sensitivity improves with practice.
If you have the time to do it every day, you can experience quite wonderful benefits in your health, mental state and even relationships. Once you can easily tune into the energy, life improves in oh so many ways. At the very least it is an excellent de-stressor and relaxor.
If you wish, you can start the session by saying out loud three times: “I call on my guides to aid me with this healing so that I may be healed for my highest good.” See if that feels any different. Try it on your friends and family – just channel the energy into them instead of yourself, but get their permission first. Try it on your pets, too, they will lap it up.
For even better results find try attending a class to on Reiki, Healing Touch or other energy healing system that anyone can learn.
For further info, see the Be A Healer section of this website.

Healing at the Speed of Life


Is time accelerating? Is everything getting faster?

Are the days flying by at an ever-increasing rate? It certainly seems that way to me. It’s not just about the pace of modern living, it is a real sense of time itself moving much faster than before, of existence itself accelerating.
Prominent metaphysicians and spiritual leaders agree. In the Kryon books (book 8, pages 19-24; book 9, page 61 and chapter 11), best-selling author Lee Carroll writes that time is not a constant and that it runs at varying rates throughout the universe.
Almost every metaphysical publication I read or radio show I listen to covers this topic in some form or other.
Since I have been working to help people afflicted with Chronic Reversed Polarity to heal themselves, I have noticed that the time it takes for people to complete the program appears to be somewhat shorter than the normal time that I was taught in my training.  
Those with chronic reversed polarity are often coming to us as a last resort, having tried many other medical and holistic remedies. Unfortunately one of the symptoms of it is that their cells are unable to hold the energy of the remedy – be it a medicine, compound or energy work – because their electrical polarity is “switched.” Therefore they only get relatively mild or short-term benefit from the treatment,
Normally, you would expect those who exhibit milder switched symptoms (tiredness, the “sads”, mild joint or muscle pain, foggy-brained, susceptibility to catching colds, unable to lose weight, sleeplessness) to heal at the regular rate of around four or five months.
Those who have more severe symptoms(chronic fatigue; ADD/ADHD; auto-immune conditions such as Lupus, cerebral palsy, MS, and fibromyalgia; gut complaints such as IBD, Epstein Barr, Crohnes’ disease and colitis; or even cancer)  would normally take longer to heal, usually at least six months. 
Karen (names changed to protect privacy) from Boulder, Colorado came to me with fatigue to the point of being constantly exhausted and still tired after sleep, severe depression (she was previously suicidal) and joint pain (rheumatoid arthritis). I set the expectation with her that we were looking at a 6-plus months program for her healing.
However, after just one month she was 50% unswitched and was cruising through her work without fatiguing and with much less pain. After two months she was almost completely unswitched, her overall energy was close to normal, she was free of the depression that had plagued her for years and she had the motivation and inspiration to start writing again, a real joy that she hadn’t experienced in years and she was signed off the program a few weeks later.
Andrea from Fort Collins, Colorado was suffering from very low energy, waking up in the night sweating with anxiety, still tired after sleep, pain in the calves and neck, very painful PMS, cravings for carbohydrates, had gained a lot of weight and couldn’t lose it, was almost constantly sick (catching colds every other week) and was taking medication for depression.
Again, I was expecting a long-term program to heal all of these conditions and my fears were compounded when after one month on the program she seemed to be worse and had a heavy cold, which was possibly even bronchitis, as well as allergy symptoms. However, her energy was stronger and she was waking up better and we determined that she was experiencing a healing crisis as her body was rebalancing itself, which is fairly common.
Amazingly, after just after six weeks she became completely unswitched with very good overall energy, no carb cravings, no depression (was able to come off the medication), free of pain, no anxiety, no colds, was losing weight and had a totally positive outlook.
Ruth, although not officially diagnosed with fibromyalgia, had constant pain in her upper body and occasionally the hands. After three weeks she delightedly proclaimed that she could now turn her head (discovered while backing out of a parking space at the shops) and could breathe deeply without pain. “It’s all breaking loose!” she exclaimed. Inside of one month she was free of pain, whereas many people had previously taken up to a year or more to be totally free of fibromyalgia pain on the program.
The healing of Chronic Reversed polarity cases such as these continues to happen at incredible speed in my practice along with everything else (where did the last year go – it doesn’t seem five minutes since the millennium!)  and whilst not exactly proof of time accelerating, is certainly giving me that impression.

Are You Switched?

Identifying and healing chronic reversed polarity

As an energy worker, I have noticed that while some people readily absorb healing energies and gain immediate and long-lasting benefits, even miraculous healings, some seem unable to take it in or can’t hold it for long, returning to their pre-session state after only a few hours or days.  In some cases, particularly if the person has a chronic autoimmune condition, such as MS, I can feel the energy literally bouncing off them.

I had assumed that at some level they were not yet ready to be healed or perhaps needed their illness to complete a life lesson. That was until I saw a presentation by Keith Smith, a renowned herbalist and iridologist at a metaphysical conference.  Well known for his chapter on healing ADD in the best selling book Indigo Children by Lee Carroll and Jan Tober, he described a condition he calls Chronic Reversed Polarity, or “switched” for short, where a person’s energy system has reversed its electromagnetic poles. 

 I felt a chill sweep down me when I heard him explain that one of the symptoms of being switched is that a person is often unable to absorb healing energies.  Also, their immune systems are dysfunctional, which can ultimately lead to chronic illness.  In fact, many of the people who come to him are suffering from “incurable” or terminal diseases and have turned to complementary methods as a last resort.
 In 25 years of treating over 35,000 switched patients, Keith has had tremendous success in achieving recovery for people who otherwise had no hope, such as auto immune disorders, cerebral palsy, chronic fatigue and ADHD, even turning around many terminal cases.  He believes that 100% of cancer cases, 100% of fibromyalgia cases, 100% off ADD and ADHD cases, and most autoimmune related cases are switched.  Diabetes in a switched person almost inevitably leads to cancer.
 The chief cause is stress – typically either a traumatic event or sustained period of pressure – in the same way that if you stress a magnet by hitting or dropping it, its poles will reverse (the positive end will become negatively charged and vice versa) and its energy will drain away. 
If we become switched our energy also drains away but we have the ability to replenish it with food, breathing and sunlight, which slows down the process of depletion.  When this happens, though, the body starts trying to make us do less to conserve our energy.  We may feel more tired than usual, or more susceptible to catching colds.  If we ignore this, it might send us a stronger message, like the flu or mild arthritis.
 Eventually we can develop fibromyalgia, MS, Lupus, cancer or other serious diseases.  As the immune system cannot function properly, medicines or remedies have little or no effect.  The first job is to get unswitched before even attempting to attack the disease.
There is a simple method to test whether a person is switched but, as a guide, the following symptoms are typical:
Feeling tired, having no energy
Waking up several times at night
Not feeling refreshed after sleeping
Feeling constantly stressed
Irritability, especially when under pressure
Loss of libido
Susceptibility to catching colds and coughs
Inability to throw off mild illnesses
Short-term memory loss (where did I leave the car keys?)
Felling “fog-brained”
Prone to depression or “the sads”
It is almost impossible for a switched woman to lose weight or become pregnant.  Erectile dysfunction is common in switched men over 50.  If the condition isn’t treated, the person is eventually likely to develop a severe autoimmune condition or even cancer.  If a switched person takes HGH, it will have exactly the opposite effect to what is intended – you will actually age faster!
Thankfully, there is a solution, albeit little known and not widely available.  If the test confirms that you are switched, a remarkably simple course of polarity-balancing treatment will unswitch you.  It is even possible to do the test remotely for people who live too far away to meet in person. 
The solution is a group of herbal compounds, which work on RNA and DNA at the cellular level to bring the polarity back to normal. 
 After meeting Keith at the summer conference, I was privileged to be invited for an intense course of one-on-one training at his California clinic, during which we examined dozens of his clients.  Those who had been on the program only a few weeks already seemed to have more energy and the progress of their diseases had been halted.
I saw “incurable” fibromyalgia patients who were now pain free.  One young woman who had difficulty concentrating and had got poor grades all her life reported that she had just received her first ever ‘A’ at school.  Her energy level was up and she was feeling better on all fronts.
Since being on the polarity balancing program, a terminal cancer patient’s tumors had stopped spreading for no reason her doctor could find, and now that she is unswitched, her immune system can function correctly and she is on her way to becoming free of the disease.
One man’s blood platelet count had steadily risen to above one million (about 400,000 is normal) and his doctors could not understand what was wrong with him or find a way to cure it.  After a few weeks on the program, the rapid rise had been stabilized and during the checkup that I observed he reported that his last platelet count had now fallen below a million to 900,000. 
The reversed-polarity test showed he is now “unswitched”, he is feeling much stronger and positive about life and he can make a good recovery now that his immune system is working properly.
I also observed that many of the cases were lightworkers or holistic practitioners like me, and this is apparently a common condition for them.  Being switched, they are essentially doing their work on “dim”.  What wonders could they work if their cells were able to fully hold the light and they were able to continue their work at “full-on”?
In my own polarity balancing practice I am constantly amazed at how dramatically people’s energy levels, joyfulness and positive attitudes can improve in a relatively short time.  I am delighted to see spectacular results in helping to heal MS, depression and fibromyalgia.  Irritable and exhausted people just trying to make it through modern life become more relaxed, energetic and simply happier once their polarity is balanced correctly.